About Me

Welcome to The Raw Mommyhood, the place where I share my passion for health & fitness from a mom's perspective... the good, the bad, the successes, the failures... REAL life! A little about me, I grew up in Clemson SC, go Tigers and have a passion for all things health & fitness.

I started this blog as a means to express my passions and hopefully help others along the way. I am still on a health & fitness journey trying to figure out what's best for my body and I'd love to help you do the same. I believe we are all made unique in God's eyes, so the nutrition plan and exercise routine that works best for me might not work best for you, but what's important is figuring out what does and sticking with it. As moms (and women in general), we need to lift each other up, encourage each other to be the best form of ourselves, and find that passion for taking care of ourselves so we can take care of others.

You can follow my journey more on Instagram @rawmommyhood. If there's something you want to specifically know about me or want me to write about, feel free to email me at therawmommyhood@gmail.com or comment below!
